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Infrastructure Projects Timeline

Vote (failed): Town Hall and Town Hall Annex building

The town proposed a new municipal complex to house the services currently located in Town Hall, the Town Hall Annex, the Council on Aging, and the Department of Public Works. At a Special Town Meeting held in May 2018, a vote failed to approve the required $9.5 million by a vote of 202 to 136.

Public Outreach Meetings

The Capital Building Committee (CBC) will be hosting Public Information meetings and forums on September 13th, September 14th, and October 18th.  Members of the CBC and project representatives will also be attending School Open Houses and Community Events throughout September and October and will be available to provide project information or answer questions from the public. For more information about the dates and locations, please visit the Meetings & Events page.

Initial Conceptual Options

At the August 30th meeting of the Capital Building Committee (CBC) and the Design Team presented Building Options, Site Options, Program Summary and Reduction, Budget Summary, and Next Steps. To view the recording of the meeting, visit the Photos & Videos page, or to view the Conceptual Design Presentation, visit the Documents page.

OPM and Designer Procurement Finalized

Over the Spring of 2023, the Town conducted a thorough selection process for an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) and Designer (Architect) for the municipal complex project. CHA Consulting, Inc. was selected to provide OPM Services, and the team of T2 Architecture and Weston & Sampson were selected to provide Design Services. More information about the professional services teams and companies can be accessed on the Project Team page.

Funding for OPM and Designer Approved

At a Special Town Meeting, held on October 24, 2022, residents voted 295 to 120 in favor of Article 7 requesting not more than $200,000 to fund hiring a project manager and designer for renovating an existing building or designing a new complex that would combine offices of Town Hall, Town Hall Annex and Council on Aging, “or take any other action relative thereto.”